Media Release on Civil Party Applicants in Case 002

Media Release on:
 ADHOC’s Workshop for “Civil Party Applicant Representative in Case 002”
Phnom Penh, Thursday 25th March 2010: The Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC) is honoured to announce a one-day Workshop on “Civil Party Applicants Representatives in Case 002” held this Friday 26, March 2010 at the Sunway Hotel in Phnom Penh.
In the last two months ADHOC has assisted around 800 unrepresented Civil Party Applicants to select legal representation registered with the ECCC, in its four Regional Civil Party Applicants Meetings in Battambang, Prey Veng, Kampot and Kratie.
In these Regional meetings ADHOC has started to establish a Civil Party Representative structure throughout Cambodia. More than 100 Civil Party Representatives were elected in a democratic process from the different geographical regions amongst the participants. The Representative structure is building the core for ADHOC’s Civil Party Participation scheme for Case 002, with the intention of strengthening the communication channels between ADHOC, lawyers, the ECCC and current and future CPs.
ADHOC has invited all Representatives to participate in the upcoming workshop on Friday to meet each other and have the opportunity to meet different ECCC stakeholders, among others the panels consist of Judge Marcel Lemonde from the Office of the Co-Investigating Judges, Dr. Helen Jarvis, Head of the Victims Support Section, Dr. Andreas Selmeci, Coordinator Civil Peace Service German Development Service and international and national Co-Civil Party lawyers. The Representatives will have the possibilities to raise direct questions and concerns to the different ECCC stakeholders and get a more comprehensive understanding of the ECCC process.
Establishing a strong Civil Party Representatives scheme is imperative in order to adequately deal with the high number of CPs expected in Case 002 and still ensure a meaningful participation of victims in Case 002.
For further information or comment please contact:
            – THUN Saray (President): 016 880 509
            – LATT Ky (Project Coordinator of KRT/ICC Program): 012 82 84 11
Background Information
ADHOC’s Khmer Rouge Trials and International Criminal Court Program, supported by the European Union, Oxfam Novib, and DED is working to ensure that the ECCC succeeds in delivering justice to the victims of the Khmer Rouge, and to ensure that safeguards are adopted that will prevent the perpetration of similar mass crimes in the future.
ADHOC is running the largest and only truly national outreach program providing information about the ECCC and ICC, and has reached over 100,000 people in its outreach campaign. ADHOC is also leading efforts to assist and support victims of the Khmer Rouge regime in their participation at the trials. The project is coming to an end in March 2010.