Minor Clash during Anti-LANGO Rally

IMG_9606On 07 July 2015, while protesters attempted to rally around the National Assembly, a small clash between anti-LANGO protesters and governmental security forces erupted around 11am.

As part of a campaign against the adoption of the draft law on Associations and NGOs (LANGO), the protesters – around 500 people including monks, staffs of association and NGOs, unionists, youths, and communities’ members – initially gathered at the gate of the Embassy of Russia and then marched towards the parliament.

Wearing T-shirt with the slogan “Say No to LANGO” or a “No!” painted on their faces, and holding banners with the slogan “Say No!”, they attempted to stage a protest around the parliament. However, around 100 security forces, armed with shields, batons, wood sticks, established road blocks to prevent protesters from moving forward and pushed all protesters back.

The rally strategically took place one day before the controversial draft law is scheduled to be open for public discussion; a point of criticism by  several NGOs.///