Boeung Kak Lake Protesters Demonstrate Outside Prime Minister Hun Sen’s House

At 8 am on the morning of April 22, 2013, around 80 former Boeung Kak Lake residents staged a protest in front of the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) headquarters in Phnom Penh. They were requesting that the party president, H.E. Chea Sim, help them solve their longstanding land conflict with Shukaku Inc., a politically connected company that has begun work on a multi-million dollar development where their homes once stood. The former residents have been given inadequate compensation and have been repeatedly harassed and intimidated by the authorities. They were also demanding the release of Yorm Bopha, a former Boeung Kak resident and prominent activist jailed in December 2012 on charges widely perceived as baseless. There is very thin evidence connecting her with the crime she is purported to have committed and her sentence is likely related to her advocacy work.

Boeung Kak Lake Protesters Demonstrate Outside Prime Minister Hun Sen’s House Read More

STATEMENT: No Victory for Justice Despite Welcome Release from Prison of Broma Villagers

The Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC) today witnessed the release of Mr. Touch Ream and Mr. Kann Savann, after 10 months in prison in connection with a so-called secessionist movement in Broma village, Kampong Domrey commune, Chhlong district, Kratie province. The site is home to a controversial Economic Land Concession (ELC) granted to a Russian Company, Casotim. ADHOC provided lawyers for the men for their hearing at the Court of Appeal on 5-6 March 2013 and for the verdict on 14 March 2013. Outside the prison today there was little fanfare like that seen with the release of their co-defendant on Friday – the prominent journalist and democracy activist Mam Sonando – but the men can now return home with their families. That the men are free is welcome. However, the ruling of the Appeal Court was no victory for justice. Touch Ream and Kann Sovann remain convicted of crimes which no evidence supports, and have lost 10 months of their lives to Phnom Penh’s Prey Sar Prison.

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CHRAC STATEMENT: Civil Society Expresses Regret of the Recent Death of the Accused, Ieng Sary, Along the Way to Justice

The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), a coalition of 21 NGOs members, deeply regret to learn the death of one of the ECCC’s accused, Mr. Ieng Sary, at age of 87 due to his poor health at Cambodia-Soviet Friendship Hospital in the morning of 14th March 2013.

CHRAC is of the view that the death of the accused Ieng Sary represents a loss of a witness of the Khmer Rouge regime who was personally involved in the crimes and atrocities committed during the Democratic Kampuchea era between 1975 and 1979 as described in the Closing Order of the tribunal’s Co-Investigating Judges. The loss will not only impact on the Khmer Rouge historical record, it will also have a negative impact on the efforts to seek justice and closure for many civil parties, victims and ordinary Cambodians who have been personally participating in the ECCC process in their demand for justice against the accused.

CHRAC STATEMENT: Civil Society Expresses Regret of the Recent Death of the Accused, Ieng Sary, Along the Way to Justice Read More

STATEMENT: ADHOC Condemns the Crackdown on Boeung Kak Residents’ Peaceful Demonstration

The Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC) condemns in the strongest terms the callous beating of peaceful protesters outside the Prime Minister’s house on 13 March 2013. In total more than ten people were injured, five seriously – including two who were knocked unconscious – when they were set upon by security forces. The demonstrators were former residents of Boeung Kak Lake in Phnom Penh- the site of a controversial forced eviction in January 2012. The beating of protesters by security forces is completely unacceptable; freedom of expression and freedom of assembly are enshrined in the Cambodian Constitution, in addition to international human rights standards to which Cambodia is state party. The beating of protesters has no place in a society that respects the rights of its citizens. An investigation should be launched into today’s vicious attack and the perpetrators brought to justice.

STATEMENT: ADHOC Condemns the Crackdown on Boeung Kak Residents’ Peaceful Demonstration Read More

STATEMENT: Appeal Court Should Drop Charges Against Mam Sonando

The Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC) strongly urges the Court of Appeal to drop all charges against Mam Sonando on 14 March 2013. The case against him is paper-thin, a point acknowledged by the prosecutor when he requested that the two most serious charges against Mam Sonando be dropped at the Appeal hearing on 06 March 2013. The prosecutor then introduced a new charge related to land grabbing – a supreme irony given Mam Sonando’s work to educate people about their land rights – that does not fit the facts from the original incident.

STATEMENT: Appeal Court Should Drop Charges Against Mam Sonando Read More

STATEMENT: International Women’s Day

On International Women’s Day, the Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC) urges to the Royal Government of Cambodia to ensure the implementation of relevant legislation in place to protect the rights of women and children, in order to tackle impunity, and particularly: to pay more attention to ways in which abuses against women and children can be prevented.

STATEMENT: International Women’s Day Read More

JOINT STATEMENT: Cambodian Civil Society Concerned at Appeal Court’s Decision to Reinvestigate Charges Against Chhouk Bandith at Provincial Court

We, the undersigned civil society organizations, welcome the decision by the Cambodian Court of Appeal today to reopen criminal charges against former Bavet City Governor, Chhouk Bandith. However, we are concerned that the investigation will take place under the jurisdiction of Svay Rieng Provincial Court, which has proven once before that it may be susceptible to political pressure exerted by Mr. Bandith and his supporters. Given the evidence, we welcome the prospect of new investigation. This process should be transparent and offer guarantees of independence and rights of the defense if it is to provide justice for the victims and demonstrate that the rich and powerful cannot act with impunity when accused of grave crimes.

JOINT STATEMENT: Cambodian Civil Society Concerned at Appeal Court’s Decision to Reinvestigate Charges Against Chhouk Bandith at Provincial Court Read More

STATEMENT: Journalist Daniel Lainé Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison

The Phnom Penh Municipal Court confirmed yesterday the verdict pronounced against French reporter Daniel Lainé in 2010 and sentenced him to seven years imprisonment for sex trafficking. However, it is widely believed that Mr. Lainé, who is currently in France, has been targeted for his investigative work into sex tourism and sex trafficking in Cambodia. The trial, which took place on 10 January and which the Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC) monitored, only served to demonstrate the absence of credible evidence against Mr. Lainé. He may have been a victim of judicial persecution for informing the public about sex trafficking and painting a “bad” image of Cambodia.

STATEMENT: Journalist Daniel Lainé Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison Read More

JOINT MEDIA STATEMENT: Situation of Land/Housing Rights and Activists in 2012 and the Way Forward

The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), the Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC), the NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) and the Housing Rights Task Force (HRTF), as well as community representatives, today called for sustainable and inclusive land and housing reforms, in a media conference at which issues such as forced evictions, the impact of landlessness and the position of land and housing activists in Cambodia were discussed.

They called on the Royal Government of Cambodia to take measures to support Cambodia’s poor and vulnerable people in regard to land and housing improvements.

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STATEMENT: Human Rights Defender Chan Soveth Not Detained After Questioning

Today the Phnom Penh Municipal Court decided not to detain prominent rights worker, Mr. Chan Soveth. Chan Soveth is a senior investigator and Deputy Head of the Human Rights Monitoring Section at the Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC). ADHOC reiterates that Soveth has done nothing wrong, that he has acted in accordance with the law at all times, and calls for the charges against him to be permanently dropped. […] During the questioning on 24 December, Chan Soveth restated that he had never committed any wrongdoing, and that his activities were all part of his legitimate human rights work. […] ADHOC requests that the charges against Chan Soveth be dropped immediately.

Picture: ©John Vink/ Magnum

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STATEMENT: ADHOC Condemns Illegal Logging of Indigenous Community Land in Ratanakiri Province

The Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC) wishes to strongly condemn the deforestation and illegal logging of timber by two Vietnamese Companies, Dai Dongguan and Seventy Two, that have received Economic Land Concessions (ELCs) in Porknhai commune, O’yadaw district, Ratanakiri province. ADHOC is also concerned at the intimidation of the Lom village indigenous community, which has been threatened that if they do not change from collective land ownership to individual land ownership, they would have to pay approximately $700-$800 to the local authorities as a ‘fine.’ The rights of Cambodia’s indigenous communities must be respected and its forest preserved, and ADHOC calls on the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) to intervene and solve this land conflict and the many others affecting Cambodia’s indigenous communities.

STATEMENT: ADHOC Condemns Illegal Logging of Indigenous Community Land in Ratanakiri Province Read More

STATEMENT: ADHOC Staff Members Meet with European Diplomats

Diplomats from the Embassies of Denmark, France, Sweden and the United Kingdom, as well as the Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Cambodia, visited yesterday the Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC). The meeting took place at the association’s central office and allowed the diplomats to review ADHOC’s activities and the human rights work carried out by its investigators.

On this occasion, they met with ADHOC staff members, including Mr. Chan Soveth, who has been summoned to appear before the investigating judge on 24 December at 2:30pm on the accusation of “providing assistance to the perpetrator” of a crime—an offense punishable by one to three years imprisonment and a fine from 2 to 6 million riels.

STATEMENT: ADHOC Staff Members Meet with European Diplomats Read More