ADHOC has been engaging with Civil Party Representatives (CPR) from Prey Veng Province to facilitate their participation and understanding of the trial proceedings so as to empower them to keep their province and districts informed of important developments in the trial as well as to meaningfully participate in the trials themselves. ADHOC’s engagement with the Prey Veng CPRs will begin with a free meeting before the trial attendance. This meeting will provide a space and opportunity for exchange of dialogue between the Civil Party (CP) lawyers and CPRs. These meetings provide the platform for the CP lawyer to present and explain the trial schedule in detail, as well as the processes and content. These meetings will prepare the CPRs well for trial attendance beginning on Wednesday, July 16th when they will attend the trial during the testimony of expert witnesses for Case 002.
At the conclusion of the trial period, ADHOC will facilitate another meeting between the CPR and CP lawyers. In this meeting the CP lawyers will help to clarify and summarize the trial proceedings and content and to address any questions or confusion that may have arisen during the trial. Finally, ADHOC will support the CPRs at the conclusion of their experience in Phnom Penh to hold a District Meeting in Prey Veng. This meeting will provide a forum for the CPRs to discuss what they have experienced at the trial and share it with the wider public in Prey Veng. This will provide an opportunity for outreach to both explain the trial proceedings to the public, and update them on the court’s progress. These activities are one part of ADHOC’s wider project to engage Civil Party Representatives across Cambodia. Through this work ADHOC seeks to enhance Civil Party participation in the trial proceedings, as well as empower them as a bridge between the court itself and the people of Cambodia.